How to Solve Indexerror index 0 is out of bounds for axis 0 with size 0

 The cause for Indexerror: index 0 is out of bounds for axis 0 with size 0 is when trying to access the first element stored inside the first dimension array. However, such a numpy array is empty and hence inaccessible. This tutorial shows an example of how the error arise and later, the ways of handling such an error such as first checking if the numpy array is empty or not before access, or using try/except.

 Table of Contents:

  1. Reasons that will cause this error.Example of the Error.
  2. Solution
    1. Solution One: Checking if the array is empty or not before accessing.
    2. Solution Two: Change the shape of the array.
    3. Solution Three: Use Try/Except.
  3. Conclusion
  4. Reference

Example of the Error

Let's take an example of a numpy array that we want to access the first element from.

import numpy as np

When we run the above code, we get the following output:

line 4, in 
IndexError: index 0 is out of bounds for axis 0 with size 0

As we see, the error "IndexError: index 0 is out of bounds for axis 0 with size 0" occurs when trying to access the first element stored inside the first dimension array. However, such a numpy array is empty and hence inaccessible.

Note The numpy array "exArray" was created with an empty list, which resulted in the error. It is crucial to check the initialization of the array and ensure that it is not empty before attempting to access its elements.

Solution to the Error

There are multiple ways to solve this error, let's take a look at some of the most effective solutions.

Solution One: Checking if the array is empty or not before accessing

One of the most straightforward solutions is to check the size of the array before trying to access it. If the size of the array is 0, then the array is empty and we should not try to access it.

import numpy as np
if exArray.size>0:
print('The size of the array is 0')

The output would be:

The size of the array is 0

As we see, we are able to check if the size of the array is 0 or not before trying to access it. In this way, we can avoid the error from occurring.

Solution Two: Change the shape of the array

Another solution is to change the shape of the array . By giving the array a shape, we are able to access it without any error.

import numpy as np

The output would be:

(0, 4)

As we see, by giving the array a shape, we are able to access it without any error.

Solution Three: Use Try/Except

Using try/except block to catch the error is another effective solution. In this way, if the error occurs, we can handle it by providing a message or any other action that we want to take.

import numpy as np
except IndexError:
print('The index 0 is empty')

The output would be:

The index 0 is empty

As we see, by using the try/except block, we are able to catch the error and handle it.

TipA good practice to avoid this error is to always initialize the array with a default size or shape, and check the array's size before trying to access its elements. This way, you can ensure that the array is not empty and avoid the IndexError from occurring. Additionally, it is always a good idea to use try/except blocks to catch any unexpected errors, and handle them accordingly.


Hopefully you have now learned more concerning the Indexerror: index 0 is out of bounds for axis 0 with size 0 error that occurs when trying to access an element from an empty numpy array. We have also learned about some effective solutions such as checking if the array is empty before accessing it, changing the shape of the array, and using a try/except block to catch the error. Remember, it is important to check if the array is empty before trying to access any element from it to avoid the error.

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