How to add the second last digit of a number and print the result in Python?
How to add the second last digit of a number and print the result in Python3
How to solve this problem (Step to solve this problem):
Take the lists variable to save the number
Take the input of number by the user
Now append the number to lists
Now find the reminder
And the last task is to divide the number
Finally, we do the sum of the number with lists(the number that input by the user)
Solution :
lists=[] # Take the lists to save the number
number = int(input("Enter two digit number")) # Take the input of number by the user
lists.append(number) # Now append the number to lists
number = number%100 # Now find the reminder
number = number//10 # And last task is to divide the number
print("The Result:",number+lists[0]) # Finally we do the sum of the number with lists(the number that inout by the user)